Every year (or at least almost), Petron Corporation gets the Porsche Rush and offers these little collectible die cast toys. This time though, it’s a bit bigger – 1:24 scale to be exact available in either a blue Porsche 918 Spyder or red Porsche Carrera GT.
Yes, red. You know, like the one Paul Walker rode and crashed in?
Both scale models are fully detailed with doors that open. It also features alarm sounds with lights, while pressing on the hood makes it play start-up, rev, and acceleration noises. And in case you want to put it on display, the toys are packaged in a 5-side see through box.
These Porsche die cast toys will be available from November 15 to December 15, 2015. Every P500 single or accumulated purchase of Petron Blaze 100, Petron XCS 96, Petron Xtra Advance 93, Petron Super Xtra 91, Petron Desel Max, or Petron Turbo Diesel entitles the customer to purchase one (1) toy car for P700.
But here’s something you could do to get them earlier than everyone else. Petron will give you first dibs if you have a BPI credit card, allowing you to buy a limited edition Porsche model from November 1 to 14, 2015. All you have to do is fill-up with at least P500 worth of fuel at a participating Petron station using your BPI credit card. They’ll then let you buy the toy car for only P700, charged to your card of course.