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What new races are coming to the Philippines in 2020?

And so another year of racing has come and gone, which leaves us to wonder: What’s exactly in store for us 2020? Well, apart from the familiar events that are now a staple in the annual motorsport calendar, we have damn good reasons to be excited about the upcoming season. That’s because, as early as now, we already have confirmation that several new races are coming to the Philippines in 2020.

The selection is so far and wide that there’s definitely something to suit everyone’s taste. It ranges from as basic as kart training program for kids to as extreme as racing lightweight sports cars at ludicrous speeds.

These are the epic things that are in store for us in the new year.

D1 Grand Prix lands in Manila

D1 Grand Prix
Photo courtesy of Sunpros Co. Ltd.

The very first to welcome 2020 is the arrival of the D1 Grand Prix straight from Japan. While details are still far and few in between, what we do know is that this is supposedly a ‘Philippine Leg’ that will see the best local drifters go up against foreign talent. That also entails 1,000+ hp drift monsters are headed into the country.

Organized by BackStage Events, save the date as the D1 Grand Prix is set to hit the streets of the Quirino Grandstand in Manila on February 22/23.

Formula V1 Challenge goes international

Formula V1 ChallengeAs it kicks off its 3rd full season, the Formula V1 Challenge  is hardly new in the local motorsports scene. However, they’re brewing up something really special for 2020 as they go international. No, they’re not doing a regional series just yet (although that’s also in the works), but instead are working on bringing in teams from Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, UK, South Korea, Vietnam, and Finland for an epic 4 Hour Endurance race in April.

This will see the Formula V1 grid size grow to 24 entries with the addition of 8 fly in teams, plus 12 other class competitors to complete a full 36 car grid.

Ehpaf Karting Academy in search of future karting champions

Ehpaf Karting AcademyMeanwhile, the very same people behind City Kart Racing are putting their 15 years of experience to good use as they establish their own karting academy. Open to kids 5 to 11 years old, the curriculum covers 10 clinics to get these youngsters into motorsports in a safe, fair, and fun environment. They then get to apply what they’ve learned by signing up in the Rotax Max Challenge Philippines  with 6 races lined up per season.

Parents can invest in the 2-year program, which includes the kart chassis, engine, suit, gloves, shoes, helmet, and cost of the clinic.

Miata Spec Series one-make-race gets the green light

Miata Spec SeriesThere’s also something in 2020 for our local gentleman racers. Utilizing the latest 4th gen Mazda MX-5 ND, the much-anticipated Miata Spec Series is finally set to kick off its inaugural 6 round championship in May of this year.

With each race-ready MX-5 costing P2.5-million, the one-make-race promises to deliver ‘pureness of sports car racing at a reasonable cost’. And despite all of its competition parts, these lightweight rear-wheel-drive sports cars remain street legal allowing owners to enjoy their MX-5 on the race track and over public roads.

Radical SR1 Cup to become the fastest racing series in the Philippines

Radical SR1 CupBut of all the the new races our there, what we’re really waiting for is the Radical SR1 Cup. These featherweight little devils will easily rearrange your organs with its 182 hp propelling a minuscule 490 kg space frame chassis. 100 km/h arrives in just 3.5 secs before it hits a top speed of 222 km/h. It can also pull up to 1.9G around corners, complete a sub 2-minute lap around the Clark International Speedway, and guaranteed to put a big ass smile on your face.

And once they get their race calendar sorted, the Radical SR1 Cup should easily become the fastest racing series in the country.

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Time Attack Manila

Founded in late 2013, Time Attack Manila (TAM) is the only dedicated online magazine in the Philippines that focuses on local and international motorsports.
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Time Attack Manila

Time Attack Manila

Founded in late 2013, Time Attack Manila (TAM) is the only dedicated online magazine in the Philippines that focuses on local and international motorsports.
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Time Attack Manila