Time Attack Manila

Sushi Machines' Midnight Run

What’s the point of spending countless man-hours and shitloads of money on a car that’s just going to sit inside a garage? Though they may be seen as art pieces, these machines are best appreciated when they’re on the road. And that’s why the Sushi Run was born.

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Christopher Kho

Christopher Kho

A true supporter not only of Philippine motorsports, but also of all Filipinos in motorsports whether they are competing locally or abroad. Chris has loved motorsports since the very beginning. This has led him to find Time Attack Manila.
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Christopher Kho

Christopher Kho

A true supporter not only of Philippine motorsports, but also of all Filipinos in motorsports whether they are competing locally or abroad. Chris has loved motorsports since the very beginning. This has led him to find Time Attack Manila.
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Time Attack Manila